Simple Slow Cooked Beef Heart

If you are starting to include organ meat into your diet, beef heart is a good place to begin. When cooked correctly it tastes like a soft tender roast. We started incorporating liver into ground meat which is an excellent way to hide the flavor but get the benefits of organ meat.

Organ meat is nutrient dense meaning it has all the vitamins, minerals, fat, and protein in just a small amount. Our ancestors would eat the organs before ever eating the meat of an animals. Now you can find seasonings and supplements if you are not ready to dive into a chunk of heart just yet. But when you are try this recipe. Find local farmers who raise pastured animals. Check with your local Weston A. Price Chapter leader for this list.

Simple Slow Cooked Beef Heart

Half of a Beef Heart from a pastured steer or wild harvested deer, moose, elk.
Salt & Pepper
Bone Broth
1 small onion
3-4 garlic cloves
Any fresh or dried herbs you prefer


  • Season the heart on both sides with plenty of salt and pepper.

  • Add olive oil and butter to a Dutch oven or cast iron skillet.

  • Brown both sides well. About 2-3 minutes on both sides.

  • Transfer to a slow cooker

  • Add 1 quart of bone broth, fresh herbs, chopped garlic, chopped onion, and fresh herbs.

  • Cook on high for 6 hours or until very tender.

  • Pull apart and serve with the broth and sourdough bread.


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